At Kakira Sugar Limited, we have always looked outward to the communities where we operate. There is a huge social burden to care for orphans of HIV/Aids and other circumstances, as well as the destitute and those marginalised by physical disability.

KSL organises monthly donations to a growing number of care homes that look after these vulnerable groups in the greater Busoga area, where we have our core operations, as well as in neighbouring districts. We provide supplies of essential foodstuffs, cleaning supplies and some specialised requirements such as infrastructure or learning materials when the need arises.

We believe that empowering young people with the right information and support is the key to stronger individuals, families and societies. Therefore we also support an NGO that takes care of children and teenage mothers through training, counselling and mentoring.

Kakira Sugar Limited maintains a road network for surrounding communities, which allows for quick and easy access to many underserved areas. The Company’s maintenance and support for roads also extends to health centres and schools in the outgrower famer areas.